Our response to The Big Ask: The Big Answer

4 October 2021

Working Options News

We read with interest the Children’s Commissioner report The Big Ask: The Big Answer published last month in response to a huge post-pandemic survey (The Big Ask) of half a million children in England.

In particular, we noted children’s comments about their future career opportunities.

“Children from all over the country told us how determined they are to get on and do well. This is an ambitious generation. They spoke in terms not just of jobs, but careers. Many responses, for example, spoke of apprenticeships and non‐university training routes. They want to be able to afford a good adult life and be confident of getting there, whatever the pathway.”

At Working Options, our Career Pathways Programme is set up to help students (aged 14-19) to identify career options and then understand the specific learning journeys required for each of their choices, providing a motivating vision of their future. Organised in five steps, we empower students to take ownership of their options and opportunities and help them see the full journey ahead.


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